
The Masters And The Slaves by Gilberto Freyre
The Masters And The Slaves by Gilberto Freyre

The Masters And The Slaves by Gilberto Freyre

He deals with race, climate, agronomy, sexual habits, architecture, the arts, religion, sorcery, literature, history, food, economics, politics, and the thousand other forces that made the Brazil of today what it is. Em contraste, o historiador da África, Steven Feierman, defende a necessidade de reconstruir grandes narrativas, que propiciem pontos de referência e permitam superar o dilema pós-colonial.With astonishing erudition, a commanding sense of style, and a gift for gripping narrative, Senhor Freyre has applied all the modern techniques of social study to the remarkably successful melting-pot culture of “medieval” Brazil. Este autor, um crítico incisivo da historiografia eurocêntrica, não consegue oferecer alternativas justamente por rejeitar toda narrativa "historicista".

The Masters And The Slaves by Gilberto Freyre

Portanto, as críticas do eurocentrismo — o impulso para "provincializar a Europa" — vêm de duas tendências: a nova história mundial, cujos seguidores estão repensando as grandes narrativas, ainda que utilizem métodos históricos bastante tradicionais e a teoria pós-colonial, com destaque para Dipesh Chakrabarty.

The Masters And The Slaves by Gilberto Freyre

Ao mesmo tempo, muitos historiadores pós-modernos continuam referendando, ainda que não explicitamente, narrativas eurocêntricas da transição à modernidade. A influência da antropologia cultural, com destaque para Clifford Geertz, resultou no privilegiamento da micro-história e no eclipse dos processos de causação e explicação. His 'historia intima' also owes something to the Histoire Intime practised by the Goncourt brothers, the importance of which in the history of historical writing has not been sufficiently recognized.Įste artigo examina o declínio das grandes narrativas historiográficas norte-americanas, associado ao auge da nova história cultural. However, Freyre was, like Febvre, admirer of Michelet. He learned his interdisciplinary style at Columbia, a centre of the American 'new history' movement of the beginning of the century. Freyre was not imitating Annales, nor were Febvre and Braudel imitating him.

The Masters And The Slaves by Gilberto Freyre

These similarities of approach were recognized by both Febvre and Braudel when they discovered Freyre's work in the later 1930s. The point of departure of this article is a series of similarities between the 'new history' associated with the French journal Annales, and the social history, psycho-history or historical anthropology of Gilberto Freyre similarities which range from a concern with material culture (food, clothes and housing), to an interest in mentalities and the history of childhood, a theme which preoccupied Freyre in the years before he published Casa-grande & senzala.

The Masters And The Slaves by Gilberto Freyre