To date, Laura Gallego has published 41 books in total. It is a saga highly praised for its approach to issues such as gender equality, prejudice and sportsmanship. The Spanish writer has also produced some realistic literature texts with the series Sara and the scorers (six deliveries launched in 20). Also noteworthy are his numerous titles of children's literature. Then he experimented with science fiction ( Tara's daughters, 2002) and epic fantasy (with the trilogy Idhun's memories, 2004-2006). It began with a historical-fantasy novel ( end of the world). Throughout two decades of literary career, Gallego has dabbled in different genres. Meanwhile, he obtained a doctorate in Hispanic Philology at the University of Valencia. Nevertheless, his persistence paid off in 1998, when the SM publishing group published end of the world. She discovered her literary vocation as a teenager, since then unsuccessfully sent more than a dozen books to various publishers. 1.3 Some of the most outstanding accolades and recognitions of his careerīorn in Cuart de Poblet, Valencia, on October 11, 1977.